Honors & Awards

  • NEI Early Career Travel Grant, Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), St. Pete’s Beach, FL (2024)
  • Travel Grant, Functional Vision & Accessibility (FVA), SKERI, San Francisco, CA (2023)
  • Travel Grant, The Eye & The Chip, Detroit, MI (2023)


  • PhD in Psychological & Brain Sciences, 2028 (expected)

    University of California, Santa Barbara

  • BS in Research Psychology, 2022

    California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly), San Luis Obispo, CA

Project Lead

A nuanced understanding of the strategies that people who are blind or visually impaired employ to perform different instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs) is essential to the success of future visual accessibility aids.


We present insights from 16 semi-structured interviews with individuals who are either legally or completely blind, highlighting both the current use and potential future applications of technologies for home-based iADLs.

Our interview study found a significant gap between researcher expectations and implantee experiences with visual prostheses, underscoring the importance of focusing future research on usability and real-world application.

We present a series of analyses on the shared representations between evoked neural activity in the primary visual cortex of a blind human with an intracortical visual prosthesis, and latent visual representations computed in deep neural networks.